Sunday, January 31, 2010

Adventure should have been his middle name

Jackson is quite an adventurous little boy, and he makes my heart skip a beat at least once a day. Here are a few of the things I've managed to get a record of...

I caught him under this table the other day and when he fell off, breaking open the chess set in the process, he just laughed. I'm glad that was his reaction, because I would have felt really bad for not putting down the camera. Oops.

He also really enjoys his anywhere chair, but right now he uses it more for climbing than for sitting.

His other favorite thing is to climb stairs. We can always tell when we have forgotten to close the baby gate, since we hear a thunder of hands and knees racing towards the stairs. (We are always there by the time he reaches the bottom step to be his "spotter.") He climbs up the stairs quickly and beams with pride the entire way. We are still working on going down - he really prefers the climb over the descent.

Jackson is also getting much better with his cruising. We got him a ride on toy that he's loving so far. We sit him on it and push him around the house, and the other day, he was walking behind the train. How soon do they go from this to walking? Its going so quickly!

(Obviously Sophie was not impressed.)

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