Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Snow Day!

We had a few inches fall here the other day (nothing compared to what my family is getting tomorrow on the East Coast) so I decided to try our shiny red sled. I bought the sled in preparation for our trip to mountains, thinking two babies + picturesque scenery + red sled would be a great photo op and fun time. Unfortunately, there were more important things to fit in our already overstuffed cars for that trip,and the red sled had to stay home.

It took us about 20 minutes to get ready for the adventure. Coat, check. Hat, check. Snowpants, check. Boots, check. Gloves...oops, mom forgot those and didn't want to run up and down the stairs for the millionth time. It couldn't be THAT cold outside, could it?

Well, big mistake. We had fun for about a minute. Jackson had a bright big smile on his face as we ran him up and down then yard...

Then he started to check out the sled...

Then he started to check out the snow...

And that's where it all went wrong. A few moments of tender little baby hands on freshly fallen snow made for a disaster. Cold hands!

I wont forget his mittens next time.

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