Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Baby Sign Language

Yesterday, Jackson and I went out to breakfast with some other moms and babies in my mom's group. At breakfast, we started talking about sign language for babies. I'll admit, for a long time I've been a skeptic about it and never thought I would try it with Jackson. One mom taught it to her daughter, and while we were there the 10 month old little girl signed "more" when she wanted more cereal, and when here mom pointed to the light on the ceiling, the little girl signed "light" and at the same time said "li, li."

I have to say that I was totally impressed. This all happened at the same time I was trying to feed Jackson, who was all over the place. I'm sure he was just distracted by the activity in the restaurant, but it made me think about how we communicate.

Right now, I try to determine what he wants by his actions, which can be very difficult to understand. Especially when it comes to eating. I'm not sure how much solid foods he really wants to eat, and if he finishes of the whole bowl, should I give him more? What if he is thirsty? He gets distracted easily, so sometimes I don't know if he is really finished with his meal, or just taking his time. Considering he won't be talking for a while still, this may become more and more frustrating for both of us.

Maybe sign language could be the answer us!

An internet search showed me many articles claiming that research done by the American Academy of Pediatrics shows that children who are able to sign have more developed verbal skills than those that do not sign. Unfortunately, I did not have access to the actual journal article to see the research for myself. So that afternoon, I headed over to the library to get some more information. I was able to find Baby Signing for Dummies, which probably wouldn't have been my first choice, but it would do. The author's children were familiar with hundred's of signs. I don't think I will go that far, but I think the tear out cheat sheet that was included will be helpful.

Jackson is at the perfect age to start signing, which is around 6-8 months, though they say you can start at any time. He may not respond for a while, or he may catch on quickly. It is recommended that we try only 3-5 signs at the beginning. The signs that I would like to teach him are: Eat, drink, milk, more and finished. If those are the only signs he learns, I will be happy. This morning I tried to sign "eat" and "more." It seemed he was paying attention, so we'll see what happens!

1 comment:

  1. take it from the reading specialist (well, soon to be)! signing is a great idea. will it get him into harvard years down the road? no - he'll need his inherited smarts for that ;-). but it's a great way to get an early start on the english language and the understanding of words! --auntie lauren
